by Margee Clayton Dysart
Posted on Saturday, October 08, 2005 - 11:37 am:
Good Morning to all!! I have been a silent observer (reader) of this board for many months. Thanks to Jody I learned of its existence. I have read with astonishment the accounts of the severe abuse that many have endured at the hands of very perverse and ungodly men. With joy I have also read how our loving and faithful Father has (as He promises) brought joy and unspeakable peace to those that have been so severely damaged. As our Heavenly Father promises HE WILL work all things for our good! My heart has broken and many prayers have been spoken and will continue to be on behalf of all. The residue that lingers when you have been exposed to such torture lingers long after you remove yourself. I thank the Lord for His faithfulness in my life and my children's! My oldest daughter Nikki was taking a class on religious studies that included mind control groups and she called and said "Mom, it is surprising you are half way normal" :o) Whew, I have made it halfway..... I am sending a hug to all of you and give praise to Jesus for his unspeakable love and faithfulness to us, His children! To all who have family still active in this pitiful group trust that I pray for you and feel your pain. An open invitation to anyone traveling on 99 to stop by spend the night say Hi or whatever we would welcome you!! May our Lord continue to bless and strengthen each and everyone! Margee Clayton Dysart